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Sweet Potato Suppliers

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China (70)
Indonesia (48)
Vietnam (32)
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Indonesian Exporter
Honey Sweet Potato, Raw Sweet .....

Each and every sweet potatoes that come to our warehouse has been carefully handled and cleaned to ensure the highest quality produce that we supply to our cust

Honey Sweet Potato, Ra...
Honey Sweet Potato, Ra...


Vietnamese Supplier
sweet potato..

violet sweet potato is from vietnam . its japanese sweet potato. its long . we have a large of mounts. if you are looking sweet potato . pleaes contact to us. T

yellow sweet potato
white (sweet potato)
Yellow Fresh Potatoes..

We are exporters of fresh and sweet potatoes. MASK Trading Bangladesh is one of the leading Potato Exporting industries in Bangladesh. With its high carbohyd

Egyptian Red Onions..

Country of Origin EGYPT specifications you can find onion in many sizes and many package so you can notice : season : starts on the first of April ti

Sweet Potatoes

HN export is selling: •Fresh Potato •Sweet Potato •Cucumber  •Snake Gourd •Gourd &

Sweet Potatoes
Snake Guard
sweet potato flour feed grade,.....

sweet potato flour feed grade, dried potato chips, peanuts, peanut s inshell , cassia stick, cassia broken , hibiscus, star aniseeds , white pepper, black peppe

Food Products Ltd.

Portuguese Exporter
Sweet Potato ..

SWEET POTATO The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a sweet and tasty root tuberculosis, usually oblong shape of a cone. Originally from the Andes, spread throug

vietnamese pepper..

Dear Messr, Good day to you. Hope everthing going well with you. Kindly be advised our quotation for Vietnamese black pepper from Sapimex Vietnam as below: Comm

vietnamese pepper
vietnamse sweet potato
Vietnamse potato new c...
Sweet Potato Starch..

Item Sample (Japan) Other Remark Moisture 16.1 PH 5.6 Whiteness 86.2 Gelatinization start temperature 72.9 Max Viscosity 500 Max temperature V

Sweet Potato Starch
Yam, Sweet Potato..

Jamaican British Export Company, exporting yam, sweet potato from Jamaica to the UK. Fully compliant with the EU food standards. Crop packed in 45lb boxes

Frozen IQF vegetables & be.....

Frozen IQF Vegetables and fruit Sweet potato, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Green Capsicum, Red Capsicum, Chopped spinach, Spinach whole leaf protions, squ

Honey Sweet potato..

Honey/Cilembu Sweet Potato is a local variety originating from Cilembu Village, Pamuliahn District, Sumedang West Java Indonesia. Cilembu yam has sweet, fluffy,

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