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Strawberry Suppliers

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passion fruit, strawberry whol.....

most products is tropical fruit of Thailand, we offer frozen fruit to Europe, Australia and worldwide.

Fresh Strawberry..

Dear Sir ,   Greetings , , , ,   We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you . we are E2mcompany is Egyptian company

Fresh Strawberry
Fresh Strawberry
Fresh Strawberry
fresh strawberry..

Product Name: Fresh Strawberry Origin: Egypt Availability: November till end of May Varieties: Kamaroza, Tamara, Festival, sweet Packing:- 2.5 kg carton 10 flat

fresh strawberry
fresh strawberry

The best fruits from best region of Turkey (Aydin) which has the most suitable agricultural area for planting. By this opportunity we serve you the freshest fru

Frozen Strawberry..

Spec:15-25mm, 25-35mm, Color:scarfskin:bright red, pulp:red Bix:7.6%-8.6% Other variety:Fengxiang, All Star, Darselect, M6, Sengana, American 13, Baoj

oranges, onions, grapes, sweet.....

oranges (Navel, Valencia, balady) Onions (Red, Yellow, White) Grapes (Sugraone, Flame) Sweet Pepper (Red, Yellow, Green) Pomegranates

Canned food..

We are an exporter of canned foodstuff and have been in this for many years with high quality, steady supply and favourable price, mainly export to USA, Europea


*KOREAN FRESH STRAWBERRY* Variety : Maehyang ( Super Sweet ) - Packing : 1.3kg(330g X 4), 2.0kg(250g X 8)


Opera Co.Ltd.

Turkish Supplier
Fresh Cherry..

Our products are produced by freshly picked fruits depending on season.We have many vrieties like cherry, lemon, strawberry in Turkey for healthy and good life.

Fresh Strawberry
fresh peach
Fresh apricot
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