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Plastic Chemicals Suppliers

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pvc auxiliary..

Chlorinated Polyethylene(CPE) Acrylic Processing Aid(ACR) Polyethylene Wax Tribasic Lead Sulfate Titanium Dioxide

Rubber Auxiliary

Lithopone28% Ba+SO4 (as ZnS)%(m/m) 99Min ZNS% 28Min ZNO% 0.6Min Volatile Matte% 0.3Max Matter Soluble in Water% 0.4Max

Titanium Dioxide
Formic Acid
metal degreasers, phosphates, .....

metal and plastic degreasers both in powder and liquid forms, spray and dip iron phosphates, zinc phosphates(trication, monocation), manganese phosphates for me

Plastic additives..

This is Sinochem Jiangsu Corporation from China, one of the key chemical subsidiaries of Sinochem Corporation(Fortune Globel 500). Our company has been s

stearic acid
PET resin with bottle grade..

Mineral water bottle grade Edible oil bottle grade Hot fill bottle grade Carbonate beverage bottle grade With IV 0.8, 0.82 and 0.85

Urea 46..

Usage: Urea is a raw material for the manufacture of many important chemical compounds, such as: Various plastics, especially the urea-formaldehyde resin

Black masterbatches..

Product Description BLACK UN3040 contains high opacity carbon black that can provide products with optimum jet blackness and high gloss levels. Its carrier res

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