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Gari Suppliers

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USA (22)
Ghana (41)
Nigeria (22)
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Ghanaian Exporter
Real crispy gari..

Our Real Crispy Gari from Ghana is made from locally grown organic cassava tubers.  Real crispy gari is made to resist moisture and remain crispy for l

Real crispy gari

MEDDR & Co. Ltd.

Ghanaian Exporter
Gari Flour..

Gari is a fine to coarse granular flour of varying texture made from cassava tubers (also called cassava roots) which are cleaned after harvesting, grated, wate

EL-OLAM Ventures

Ghanaian Exporter
Organic Gari flakes , Palm oil..

*Red palm oil - A tropical oil that comes from the pulp of palm fruit. These fruits grow on palm trees located in Africa, *Gari - A major stap

Moz enterprise

Nigerian Exporter
Process Gari..

Cassava roots can be processed into several diferent  products, which include gari, flour, bread and starch.  Processing provides smallholder


Garri, also known as gari, galli, or gali, is a staple food in West Africa. Its made from the fresh starchy cassava root. The process involves uprooting, peeli

Gari flakes..

Gari Flakes is one of the product derived from cassava after grinding, fermentation, decantation, sieving and frying process. Gari is carbohydrate in nature an

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