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Flax Fiber Suppliers

(7 Suppliers Found)
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Egypt (15)
Russia (4)
China (3)
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Egyptian Exporter
Scutched Flax Fibers..

• Length: 75cm+ • Cleanness: not less than 93% for highest grade • Packing: Pressed Bale (200~250 Kg/Bale) • Container Ca

Hackled Flax Fibers
Hackled Flax Fibers
Hackled Flax Fibers
Hackled Flax Fibers

Re for flax co,

Egyptian Exporter
Flax Arrous..

machine two: It is the outcome product from hackling and the most important product in the manufacture of spinning. We produce between 150 and 200 tons/month.

Flax Dolls (Puppets) o...
Jakia Flax
Stripe Flax
Scutched Flax

MyFabrik Ltd

Russian Exporter
Long flax fiber..

Long flax fiber 800 tons per month At present, the long and short flax fiber supplied by "MyFabrik Ltd" is one of the most popular types of r

Cottonized flax fiber
flax fiber..

Our company accomplishes export deliveries of high quality flax fiber from the Republic of Belarus at the most attractive prices. We offer flax fiber of differ

Scutched Flax Fiber..

Scutching is a step in the processing of flax in preparation for spinning. The scutching process separates the impurities from the raw material, such as the see

Heckled Flax fiber

LLC TLK Everest

Russian Exporter
flax linen fiber..

Sale is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ Product Name : Flax fiber Specifications : Shot: #2 40 tons, Flax fiber #3 40 tons, Long fiber (r

Natural Bamboo Yarn ..

ring spun yarns, we can produce 100% bamboo from Ne10 to Ne60 and blended yarns with 70%bambo/30cotton% and 50%bamboo50%cotton.

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