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Chemical Packing Suppliers

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Pall ring --Metallic random he.....

Metallic random heaping packing includes ladder ring,rasching ring,pall ring,rectangular saddle ring,conjugate ring,double arc ring,tabular ring and inner arc r

Ladder ring -- Metalli...
Rasching --Metallic ra...
Rectangle saddle ring ...
Plastic Random packing..

Physical & chemical properties of plastic random packing Performance / Material PE PP RPP PVC CPVC PVDF Density (g/cm3) 0.94-0.96 0.8

Ceramic Balls (Catalyst bed su.....

Features: 1) Ceramic balls include common balls (Al2O3 17-23% ) , inert ceramic balls ( Al2O3 23-30% ) , pure ceramic balls (Al2O3 99% ) 2) Catalyst bed s

plastic random packings..

Plastic random packings include pall ring, intalox saddles, super intalox, cascade ring, flat ring, teller rosette ring, hollow ball, polyhedral ball cage and c

Ceramic Honeycomb
Zeolite Molecular Sieve 4A(des.....

Introduction Zeolite molecular sieve 4A is an alkali alumino silicate; it is the calcium form of the Type 4A crystal structure. Type 4A has an effective pore

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